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179 Black Innovators in STEM + Arts You Should Know and Support
For generations, Black voices and influencers have been suppressed and overlooked. Black people and Black communities are constantly fighting for an end to racial, social, and economic oppression. It is the responsibility of non-Black communities to hold themselves accountable and to educate themselves on what is happening in our world. Together we can uplift and amplify Black voices that cannot be heard or are refused to be listened to. With Wonder Women Tech’s online and global platform, it is one of our goals to support and amplify Black business people, Black speakers, Black entrepreneurs and Black people who innovate in STEM and the Arts. Wonder Women Tech is highlighting 179 influential Black speakers who have spoken and shared their accomplishments, aspirations, successes, and stories with the public on the Wonder Women Tech global stage. These innovators each come from different parts of the world, various industries, and all have a unique perspective on how we can work together to share ideas, cultivate belonging and propel change.
Posted on 15 Feb 2021
Astronaut, physician, engineer Mae Jemison interprets MLK’s legacy
Astronaut, engineer, physician and the first American woman of color in space Mae Jemison spoke to a packed crowd for the Martin Luther King Memorial Lecture Tuesday in Union South.- Jemison proposed a question to the audience - When was the last time you looked up? Jemison said looking up has inspired her since her childhood, eventually leading her towards her position as an astronaut, but it also connects her to the legacy of Martin Luther King. Jemison said looking up connects people, and she said she hopes it inspires everyone to cultivate their own talents and use them to spread hope and do good. Jemison said she believes the most important part of Martin Luther King’s legacy is a question he prompted - What do we do with our place at the table?
Posted on 31 Jan 2021
Leading women to STEM careers
Once they hit middle school, girls often move away from STEM-related careers. School counselors can help middle and high school girls keep all their options open. Careers in STEM exert significant influence and power, shaping nearly every aspect of our lives. Yet, women (diverse in race, ethnicity, class, age, gender identity, abilities, and other historically marginalized identities) are underrepresented in the field. And, even when present, they may find themselves in unwelcoming cultures that impede their participation as innovators, leaders, and researchers who are shaping the future. Most college students majoring in STEM make that choice during high school. Unfortunately, despite the increasing demand for professionals in the field, some young women don’t automatically think of STEM careers when planning their future.Students who lack a strong STEM role model in their life or who haven’t had access to adequate STEM learning may not automatically consider a career in STEM. Further, self-doubt can arise for students who don’t have confidence in themselves and their abilities. Questions - “Can I be competitive with peers in this major? Is there a place for me in this field?” - may loom in their minds. Such students’ paths can be influenced by the help of a school counselor.
Posted on 12 Jan 2021
Nature’s 10: ten people who helped shape science in 2020
The Nature’s 10 list explores key developments in science this year and some of the people who played important parts in these milestones. Along with their colleagues, these individuals helped to make amazing discoveries and brought attention to crucial issues. Nature’s 10 is not an award or a ranking. The selection is compiled by Nature’s editors to highlight key events in science through the compelling stories of those involved.
Posted on 23 Dec 2020
Here's what the internet would look like if all code by women vanished
With a new campaign out in time for Computer Science Education Week, Girls Who Code is painting a picture of what the internet would like if every line of code written by women disappeared. The campaign, Missing Code, features a short video showing familiar internet destinations -- Instagram, Pinterest, Netflix, Teen Vogue -- glitch out in an artful yet chaotic way. The Netflix URL splits in half, Gmail turns into gibberish, pins on Pinterest melt away. And a headline from The New York Times explains that 26% of all code has vanished from the internet, to match the statistic that women made up 26% of computing jobs in 2020.
Posted on 11 Dec 2020
Personal interactions are important drivers of STEM identity in girls
As head of the educational outreach arm of the Florida State University-headquartered National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Roxanne Hughes has overseen dozens of science camps over the years, including numerous sessions of the successful SciGirls Summer Camp she co-organizes with WFSU . In a new paper published in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Hughes and her colleagues took a much closer look at one of those camps, a coding camp for middle school girls. They found that nuanced interactions between teachers and campers as well as among the girls themselves impacted how girls viewed themselves as coders.
Posted on 29 Sep 2020
Weeding out inequity in undergraduate chemistry classes
No academic catalog is going to define an undergraduate class as a ''weed-out'' or ''gatekeeper'' course. But these courses can come to define individual career paths, pushing some students out of STEM fields entirely. The weed-out effect impacts students of all backgrounds, but students from marginalized groups, especially Black and Latinx, are particularly hard hit, and experts say these weed-out courses are part of the systemic racism underpinning the diversity challenges that chemistry and the sciences overall face. In addition, these same students may struggle to develop a sense of belonging in STEM. That general chemistry and organic chemistry courses at many institutions fit this description should come as no surprise. In their analysis of the course offerings at six institutions, the authors of Talking about Leaving Revisited found that 22% of the courses meeting their criteria of weed-out courses were chemistry courses. A study by the Gardner Institute of introductory chemistry courses at 31 institutions, including community colleges and public and private 4-year colleges and universities, found an average DFWI (including incompletes) rate of 29.4%. The DFWI rates for Black and Latinx students in introductory chemistry at the 31 institutions were above 40%. This disproportionate effect happens because students from marginalized groups are more likely than other students to have attended high schools where advanced math and science classes weren't offered, experts say. Such students with an interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) majors lacked opportunities that students in high schools with more resources had.
Posted on 11 Sep 2020
A Guide for Minorities in STEM: Increasing Workplace Diversity
STEM is a collective curriculum based on science, technology, engineering and math. STEM education is an interdisciplinary approach that combines facets of each of its corresponding subjects and integrates them into a cohesive learning opportunity. The curriculum for STEM was created to help develop and disseminate comprehension and expertise that typically carry social, economic and personal benefits. While the idea and benefits of the STEM curriculum are novel, it does not impact each demographic in the same way. For example, in the fields of computer engineering and computer science, there is a substantial disparity between minorities and their counterparts. Of the 5 million employed workers in the computing field, minorities only account for about 30% of employees, and that number includes women as well as ethnic minorities. Unfortunately, there exists a multitude of impediments that may make post-secondary education and enterprising applications more complicated for underrepresented minorities. A review of available data reveals that minorities are underrepresented at just about any level of education and field of work in STEM fields.
Posted on 11 Sep 2020
Women in Science: A Historical Bumpy Ride
Even though they're historically outnumbered in math, science, and engineering, and often face stereotypes and sexism in their fields, women have always led breakthrough research and pushed scientific innovation forward. In the past, being a woman in STEM meant initially getting ignored by the Nobel Prize Nominating Committee - despite discovering radioactivity. Or NASA thinking you'd be ''too emotional'' to operate in its station - never mind that you'd beat the odds and become the first American woman in space. From inspiring to absurd, a look back at the historical misconceptions about women in science reveals how far women have come in shattering obstacles. In this episode of The Abstract, we discuss the female scientists who motivated us all to advance in whatever field we choose, thanks in part to the painstaking pioneers who helped blaze the trail.
Posted on 31 Aug 2020
Diversity in CS: Race and gender among CS majors in 2015 vs 2020
It's no secret that the tech industry has historically lacked racial and gender diversity. And when Stanford's computer science (CS) department isn't creating founders of the next Google, Snapchat or Netflix, it's busy churning out employees for these big tech companies. Given the industry's limited progress in increasing diversity, this pipeline between Stanford's CS department and the tech sector highlights the importance of diversity within its students. This article examines the race and gender demographics of CS majors, and how this breakdown has changed over the past five years.
Posted on 17 Aug 2020

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