WS Statistics - Graphs

Click on the criteria below to find out about..

  1. Representation of Women and Men in Science in Slovenia
  2. Representation of Women and Men in Science in top scienti fields
  3. Genders’ Multiple Orientation
  4. Participation of Genders in Education
  5. Progress of Women in Pursuing Higher Education
  6. Women’s Positions in Scientific Projects
  7. Women’s Participation in Scientific Programs
  8. Participation of Top Organization Teams in Scientific Projects by Gender
  9. Employment Outlook in Science By Gender

Source: ARRS, November 2008

The chart will appear within this DIV. This text will be replaced by the chart.

BS Degree - Absolute values

BS Degree - Percentage values

Master Degree - Absolute values

Master Degree - Percentage values

PhD Degree - Absolute values

PhD Degree - Percentage values

Specialization - Absolute values

Specialization - Percentage values

Interesting Stats

Have women scientists’ participation in higher education progressed in the last 60 years?

Yes. The women scientists are more and more involved in pursuing higher education.

Their share in Bachelor of Science graduations has increased from 32% for the period of 1950-1990 to 40% for the period 1990-2008.

The percentage of women scientists who completed Master degree rose from 26% to 43% for the same periods while percentage of women completed PhDs rose from 17% to 40% respectively.

The women scientists’ participation in pursuing specialization has increased significantly in the last 17 years almost reaching the same share as their male counterparts: since 1990, there were total 49% of women scientists vs. 51% male scientists pursuing specialization in various scientific fields.