
On this page you can find useful resources including profiles of some of the leading women in science in Slovenia, statistics, video lectures of major events, interviews and lectures given with some of the prominent women in science.

Women in Science

Find out more about successful women by reading this inspiring selection of profiles of leading women scientists and researchers in Slovenia who in various ways collaborated with Jozef Stefan institute on various projects and discussions on women in science issues. Read more...

Research and Statistics

This section will contain key statistical data and data visualization on Women in Science in Slovenia to investigate some interesting emerging issues and trends to address women’s representation in science and technology in Slovenia, looking both gender equality and wider diversity issues. Read more...

Video Lectures

We are proud to share with you a broad range of video lectures featuring major events, interviews and lectures given by prominent women in Slovenia and abroad. Read more...

Reports & Publications

This section contains variety of reports and publications discussing major issues related to women position in science. Read more...


Women in Science Issues

A range of activities such as workshops, conferences, exibitions, educational activities, will provide you with better insights on women in science issues. Women maybe under represented in some scientific fields, but are they ?Check yourself !

Women in Science Profiles

Find out more about successful women by reading inspiring selection of profiles of leading women scientists in Slovenia who in various ways colaborated with Jozef Stefan Institute on various projects and discussions on Women in Science issues. Read more...