Women In Science Issues
Our projects embrace a broad range of activities including exhibitions, workshops, conferences, projects, educational activities, publications and other learning materials designed to incite the wider public about the women in science issues.
Women in Science issues are connected to a number of topics. Some of them were addressed in events organized in Slovenia including specific topic of women in ICT, as well as general topics of getting women informed on possibility to participate at scientific decision process of EC.
In collaboration with other organizations, we aim to offer each year a variety of projects and events conveying the messages around the exciting topics and issues on women in science. Find out more about our exhibitions, workshops, conferences and projects:
- ATHENA - Empowering female research talent through a gender equality infrastructure
- Exhibition on Women with PhDs in ICT
- Exhibition on Women with PhDs in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics in Slovenia
- Workshop for Potential EC Evaluators
- Workshop on Equality of Women and Men in Science and Research
- Workshop on Women in ICT
- Conference on Creative Women in Science and Public Life
- EU Project SiS Catalyst
- EU Project - GENDERA
- National Project - "SM-RIS"
- EU Project - Pascal (Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning)
- EU Project - WS Debate
- EU Project - CEC-WYS
- WomenInNano Winter School
- Discussion on Women in Science and Research
- Meta-analysis of gender and science research