WS Statistics - Graphs

Click on the criteria below to find out about..

  1. Representation of Women and Men in Science in Slovenia
  2. Representation of Women and Men in Science in top scienti fields
  3. Genders’ Multiple Orientation
  4. Participation of Genders in Education
  5. Progress of Women in Pursuing Higher Education
  6. Women’s Positions in Scientific Projects
  7. Women’s Participation in Scientific Programs
  8. Participation of Top Organization Teams in Scientific Projects by Gender
  9. Employment Outlook in Science By Gender

Source: ARRS, November 2008

The chart will appear within this DIV. This text will be replaced by the chart.

Participants Role in Scientific Project by Gender - Absolute values

Participants Role in Scientific Project by Gender - Percentage values

Comparison of Scientific Projects Roles by Gender

Interesting Stats

Do women scientists hold leadership positions in scientific projects?

Yes. Significant number of women scientists in Slovenia holds a leadership position in scientific projects and programs, but are still a minority in comparison to their male counterparts.

Seventy four percent of project leaders are men, while only twenty six of leadership positions are currently held by women. In addition, men tend to undertake more mentor roles than women, 79% vs. 21% respectively.

A lower number of women in top science positions can be attributed to the difficulties women have reconciling profession and child caring, including the demands for mobility early in research careers. One effect of this is a scarcity of female role models among senior researchers, project leaders and faculty to inspire other women to follow suit.

Distribution of roles by gender across scientific projects shows that women assume more roles as junior researchers and researcher (by 2% and 3% respectively), while men assume more leadership and slightly more mentor positions (by 4% and 0.6% respectively).