WS Statistics - Graphs

Click on the criteria below to find out about..

  1. Representation of Women and Men in Science in Slovenia
  2. Representation of Women and Men in Science in top scienti fields
  3. Genders’ Multiple Orientation
  4. Participation of Genders in Education
  5. Progress of Women in Pursuing Higher Education
  6. Women’s Positions in Scientific Projects
  7. Women’s Participation in Scientific Programs
  8. Participation of Top Organization Teams in Scientific Projects by Gender
  9. Employment Outlook in Science By Gender

Source: ARRS, November 2008

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Interesting Stats

Are women pursuing different scientific areas than men? In which scientific fields, women are still under-represented vs. their male counterparts?

Yes. Representation of women in various sectors of science varies.

Women in Slovenia are under-presented in 10 out 20 top research areas in Slovenia. More specifically, they are minority in the following research areas:

-6.01 - Historiography ,
-3.03 - Neurobiology,
-5.05 - Law,
-5.02.01 - Economics,
-5.02.02 - Business Sciences,
-2.07.05 - Information Syst,
-2.07.03 - Programming
Technologies - Software,
-3.06 - Medical Science -
Cardiovascular System,
-2.07.07 - Intelligent Systems - Software,
-2.04.02 - Materials Science and Technology - Metallic

Their male counterparts are under-represented in the following top research areas:

-1.09 – Pharmacy,
-3.04 - Oncology,
-3.05 - Human reproduction,
-5.03 - Sociology,
-6.05 - Linguistics,
-3.08 - Public Health
(occupational safety),
-3.01 - Microbiology and
-1.05 - Biochemistry and
molecular biology,
-1.08 - Control and care of
the environment,
-1.04.05 - Analytical chemistry.